I want to get from this array of strings
let entries = ["x=5", "y=7", "z=10"]
to this
let keyValuePairs = ["x" : "5", "y" : "7", "z" : "10"]
I tried to use map
but the problem seems to be that a key - value pair in a dictionary is not a distinct type, it's just in my mind, but not in the Dictionary type so I couldn't really provide a transform function because there is nothing to transform to. Plus map
return an array so it's a no go.
Any ideas?
Use Swift 4's new reduce(into: Result)
let keyValuePairs = entries.reduce(into: [String:String]()) { (dict, entry) in
let key = String(entry.first!)
let value = String(entry.last!)
dict[entry.first!] = entry.last!
Of course, the splitting of your String could be improved.