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ZF2 Redis: how to set expiration time for a key

I have to set up a Redis on a server to store information from Zend Framework 2. For now, I can store information, but I can not to give them an expiration time for they naturally renew themselves after a while.

I have not found some documentations about this step and it seems to me rather obscure.

My code:

page: config/autoload/

return array(
    'caches' => array(
        'redis' => array (
            'adapter' => array (
                'name' => 'redis',
                'lifetime' => 60, //doesn't work
                'options' => array (
                    'server' => array (
                        'host' => 'x.x.x.x',
                        'port' => x
                    'ttl' => 10, // seems to have no effect
                    'namespace' => 'mycache',

in Controller :

use Zend\Cache\StorageFactory;
        $redis = StorageFactory::factory ($this->getServiceLocator ()
             ->get ('config')['caches']['redis']);

        if ($redis->hasItem ('test')) {
                var_dump($redis->getItem ('test'));
        } else {
            $redis->addItem('test', 'testtest');

I tried several methods, but everytime, the result is the same, no expiration information appears in Redis :> get mycache:test
"testtest"> ttl mycache:test
(integer) -1

Thanks for your help!


  • You can also try this:

    $redis = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Cache\RedisFactory');
    $redis->setItem('test', 'Custom Value');

    So there is no need to set it globaly in factory. This work for me :)