I need to routing to one action by attribute routing in mvc5 . My action :
public ActionResult Index(int? DepProvince, int? From/*City*/, int? DesProvince, int? To/*City*/, string DepartureDate, bool? IsForeign){}
Query string is :
/Bus?DepProvince=11000000&From=11321006&RetProvince =31000000&To=31310000&DepartureDate=1396%2F09%2F07 &IsForeign=False
I need to access to this action by this url :
I use this code in Routconfig.cs :
name: "BusRoute",
url: "{*permalink}",
defaults: new { controller = "Bus", action = "Index" },
constraints: new { permalink = new BusConstraint() },
namespaces: new[] { "TravelEnterProject.Controllers" }
When Run app get error :
How to fix this?
I solve my problem :
public ActionResult Index(int? From, int? To, int? Date, int? IsForeign)