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Input dplyr::filter() as argument to function

Input dplyr::filter to function

How to create a function which takes any dplyr::filter as input, and returns the number of rows satisfying the filter?

I have tried something like this, which does not work:


filter_function <- function(dataset, filter_text) {
    dataset %>% filter_text %>% nrow() -> n_rows_satisfy_filter

    paste0( "Number of rows satisfying the filter: ", n_rows_satisfy_filter)

Here i try to input a filter as a string:

filter_function(iris, "filter( Sepal.Length > 5 & Species == 'setosa' )" )

Gives error:

Error in quote(., filter_text) : 
  2 arguments passed to 'quote' which requires 1 

The question is similar but not a duplicate of Using dplyr filter() in programming, because the current question attempts to vary the whole filter, not just the input to a static filter.


  • With tidyverse, another option is parse_expr from rlang

    filter_function <- function(dataset, filter_text) {
      eval(rlang::parse_expr(filter_text)) %>% 
             nrow() %>%
             paste0( "Number of rows satisfying the filter: ", .)
    filter_function(iris, "filter(dataset, Sepal.Length > 5 & Species == 'setosa' )" )
    #[1] "Number of rows satisfying the filter: 22"