I need to control the main computer volume in vb.net. I have searched the web and tried all the examples I could find. None of the have worked.
Does anyone have some snippets of code that work with vb.net 2010 to control volume?
I found an answer. Its uses Nirsoft's NirCmd (32-bit , 64-bit)
Public Class Sound
Dim nircmd As String
Const MAXVOL As Integer = 65535
Public Sub New(ByVal nircmd_location As String)
nircmd = nircmd_location
End Sub
Public Sub setVol(ByVal level As Integer)
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = nircmd
p.Arguments = "setsysvolume " & (MAXVOL * (level / 100)).ToString
End Sub
End Class
You can then use somthing like
Dim vol As New Sound(path_to_nircmd)