I am looking for a solution on how to raise numbers in the labels of my vcd mosaic plot.
edit: as an example i randomly selected the Sex label in the Titanic dataset:
vnames <- list(set_varnames=c(Sex="Sex=10^X"))
mosaic(Titanic, labeling_args=vnames)
They always will be displayed as 10^2
and not as 10²
For example working with expression(10^{2})
xlab(bquote('Zoospores ('*10^x*') per plastic box'))
in the normal R plots or ggplot2 does not work for the set_varnames=
call in labeling_args=
in the mosaic()-command of the vcd package.
I could not find an answer to my specific problem in the vcd mosaic plot, only answers regarding labeling in ggplot2 and normal plots..
looking forward to read from you guys !
With the hints of two dedicated members of the statistician community - @Achim Zeileis and David Meyer, i was able to find a rather simple solution.
To stick with the example:
vnames <- list(set_varnames=c(Sex=""))
mosaic(Titanic, labeling_args=vnames)
grid.text(bquote('Sex ('*10^X*') example'), y=0.9, x=0.46,gp=gpar(fontsize=21))
did the job. Since you basically add the label afterwards you have to play a little with x and y to get it in place.
all the best,