I implemented Chart view from GitHub link Charts help me how to set chart data from my api?
after getting response from API i use this below lines of code to populate chart data
var newData = [ChartDataEntry]()
var month:[String] = []
for i in 0 ..< self.graphJSON.count{
if self.graphJSON[i]["savings"].null == nil{
let saving = self.graphJSON[i]["savings"].rawString()!
if let savingInt = Int("\(saving)"){
if self.graphJSON[i]["month"].null == nil{
chartView.xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom
chartView.rightAxis.forceLabelsEnabled = false
chartView.xAxis.valueFormatter = IndexAxisValueFormatter(values:month)
//Also, you probably want to add:
chartView.xAxis.granularity = 1
//Generate Colors
var circleColors: [NSUIColor] = [] // arrays with circle color definitions
for i in 0 ..< 12 {
if i == 11 {
let color = UIColor(red:0.84, green:0.31, blue:0.12, alpha:1.0)
let color = UIColor(red:0.15, green:0.67, blue:0.60, alpha:1.0)
let data = LineChartData()
let ds1 = LineChartDataSet(values: newData, label: "Savings in ₹")
ds1.colors = [NSUIColor.lightGray]
ds1.circleColors = circleColors
let xAxis:XAxis = chartView.xAxis
xAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
xAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
let leftAxis:YAxis = chartView.leftAxis
leftAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
leftAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
let rightAxis:YAxis = chartView.rightAxis
rightAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
rightAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
rightAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = false
self.chartView.data = data
self.chartView.data?.highlightEnabled = false
self.chartView.gridBackgroundColor = UIColor.white //give color you want here
self.chartView.chartDescription?.text = "Savings Graph"
Hope this will help you