In a little new to Groovy and am creating a piece of code which executes an sql query using a dynamic sql string.
def executeQuery(String csvQueryInList) {
def result = sql.rows('SELECT * FROM mySchema.myTable WHERE id IN (?,?)', ['1', '2'])
return result
The above works but now I want to change this code to use the parameter csvQueryInList which is a CSV string.
Something like this....
def sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM mySchema.myTable WHERE id IN ('
def executeQuery(String queryInList) {
def values = queryInList.tokenize(", ")
values.eachWithIndex { item, index ->
sqlStr << '?,'
sqlStr << ')'
println "Executing generated query: $sqlStr"
def result = sql.rows(sqlStr, values)
return result
But it doesn't quite work.
Can someone give me a hand to correct what I have wrong or suggest an even better way.
I believe that there is issue while build the query with question marks.
Here you find the fixed one with couple of things to note
, +
could be used to concatenate.Changed the method to pass sqlStr
as well.
def sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM mySchema.myTable WHERE id IN ('
def listStr = '1,2 , 3, 50'
def executeQuery(String queryInList, String query){
//Get the list values from the list
def values = queryInList.split(',')*.trim()
//Build the question marks string
def listOfQuestions = values?.inject([]){ list, it -> list << '?';list }.join(',')
query += listOfQuestions + ')'
println "Executing generated query: $query"
def result = sql.rows(query, values)
return result
executeQuery(listStr, sqlStr)
You can quickly try this demo (only query building part) on-line.
Hope the above is useful.