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Setting a shortcut for setting selected text's font in OneNote

I have been taking notes in OneNote as I listen to classes etc. and it helps to represent code differently using Courier New etc. Having to keep doing it using main menu is getting to be very painful.

Is there anyway to set a shortcut for setting selected text's font to say Courier New etc.?

Note : I tried using Onetastic macros but they are extremely slow and makes onenote unresponsive for a ~10 secs or so, and moreover even that doesn't have a keyboard shortcut option.

I would be surprised that OneNote which is heavily note taking tool doesn't have anyway to customize keyboard shortcuts.


  • You can add a shortcut to the Font box to the OneNote Window frame (click the dropdown to select Customize Quick Access Toolbar, then add the Font command under all commands). This adds a number to the Font shortcut box - on my machine 3 - so the Home Tab doesn't need to open on the ribbon, nor do I need the (capital) FF to select the Font chooser on the home tab. So my shortcut would now be ALT 3, cou to select Courier New.

    Alternately: ALT+ H, FF, then the cou will change the font to Courier (open the Home tab, Font Selector, then selects Courier New). But selecting capital FF there is a pain.

    One optimization you could make would be to copy the Courier New font to be named "ff.ttf" using TTX or FontForge or similar tools. Then the keys would be ALT+ H , FF, ff

    But adding to the QAT is probably the best way to go.