I have a table with row names corresponding to a set of people and their corresponding body mass estimates. For instance, say a matrix "mass estimate" with these values:
Name Mass
1 person_a 234
2 person_b 190
3 person_c 203
4 person_d 176
How will I, in a single line of R code, take the cube roots of the masses and then have them log transformed?
I am not sure how to ask the data above in a table format, since the final question shows it on a single line. The first column reads "Name" and the second column reads "Mass". Each row has a name (person_a) and the mass (234).
# Sample matrix
mat <- matrix(runif(20), ncol = 5);
# log10-transform the cube root of all entries
mat.trans <- log10(mat^(1/3))
Or with your dataframe
example (which is not the same as a matrix
df <- read.table(text =
"Name Mass
1 person_a 234
2 person_b 190
3 person_c 203
4 person_d 176", sep = "");
# log10-transform the cube root
df$transMass <- log10(df$Mass^(1/3));
# Name Mass transMass
#1 person_a 234 0.7897386
#2 person_b 190 0.7595845
#3 person_c 203 0.7691653
#4 person_d 176 0.7485042