I'm trying to load a lot of files from a directory. I used to be able to do it by having this
#directory where all data will be stored
Files=[] #list of files
for file in os.listdir(dataDir):
But now, I'm trying to have the user select the folder so I have this:
import tkinter
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *
filename=filedialog.askdirectory(parent=root,title='Choose a file')
print (filename)
#directory where all data will be stored
Files=[] #list of files
for file in os.listdir(dataDir):
and it is giving me this error: "for file in os.listdir(dataDir): TypeError: listdir: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or None, not tuple)
I tried making filename into a string by doing str(filename), and it still wouldn't work. Any ideas?
You create tuple in command
and you use it in listdir(dataDir)
which expect string
Use filename
directly in listdir
for file in os.listdir(filename):