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Creating GIN index on ILIKE postgres query

I am using postgres 9.6. I store JSONB data in one column and I would improve performance of one query. In my json data I have name column which is text. I am querying this data using following query.

SELECT "id", "body", "created_at", "updated_at" 
FROM "read_models" 
WHERE ((body ->> 'name') ILIKE '%asd%') 

Here is the analyzed result of this query:

Limit  (cost=0.00..33.58 rows=40 width=72) (actual 
time=112.428..4071.757 rows=11 loops=1)                                                      
|   ->  Seq Scan on read_models  
(cost=0.00..2636.90 rows=3141 width=72) (actual time=112.416..4071.646 
rows=11 loops=1) |
|         Filter: ((body ->> 'name'::text) ~~* '%asd%'::text)                                                                                     
|         Rows Removed by Filter: 78516                                                                                                           
| Planning time: 1.658 ms                                                                                                                         
| Execution time: 4071.847 ms

I created following index for this property:

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON read_models USING gin ((body ->> 'name') gin_trgm_ops);

I created different index types but it is always the same result. The query time is the same like without any index. I see that PG not uses this index when I query that data. I saw many informations how to index text data in postgres and I don't understand why It doesn't work in my case. Thanks for any help.


  • The problem is your where condition isnt SARGABLE

    What makes a SQL statement sargable?

    You can use index for LIKE 'ABC%' but not for LIKE '%ABC%'

    Check those tips, even for MySQL the majority also apply for Postgres MySQL index TIPS