This code should be printing "Adam" when the user asks a question like: "what's your name." Instead, the if statement never returns true. Please help!
import difflib
while True:
talk = input("Please say something > ")
temp = (difflib.get_close_matches(talk, ['What is your name?', 'Hello', 'peach', 'puppy'],1,0.2))
if temp == "['What is your name?']":
Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question.
Since temp
is a list
and you want to check if
the first element
of that list is What is your name?
then you can't just do it all as a string
as in put it like "['What is your name?']"
as you have done, you need to check the first element (index 0
) and then compare this:
if temp[0] == "What is your name?":
And this will work. Good luck!