Related to this question.
I'd like to build a custom pipe %W>%
that would silence warnings for one operation
data.frame(a= c(1,-1)) %W>% mutate(a=sqrt(a)) %>% cos
will be equivalent to :
w <- options()$warn
data.frame(a= c(1,-1)) %T>% {options(warn=-1)} %>%
mutate(a=sqrt(a)) %T>% {options(warn=w)} %>%
These two tries don't work :
`%W>%` <- function(lhs,rhs){
w <- options()$warn
lhs %>% rhs
`%W>%` <- function(lhs,rhs){
lhs <- quo(lhs)
rhs <- quo(rhs)
w <- options()$warn
(!!lhs) %>% (!!rhs)
How can I rlang
this into something that works ?
I think I would approach it like this, by tweaking the magrittr pipes to include this new option. This way should be pretty robust.
First we need to insert a new option into magrittr's function is_pipe
by which it is determined whether a certain function is a pipe. We need it to recognise %W>%
new_is_pipe = function (pipe)
identical(pipe, quote(`%>%`)) || identical(pipe, quote(`%T>%`)) ||
identical(pipe, quote(`%W>%`)) ||
identical(pipe, quote(`%<>%`)) || identical(pipe, quote(`%$%`))
assignInNamespace("is_pipe", new_is_pipe, ns="magrittr", pos="package:magrittr")
`%W>%` = magrittr::`%>%`
We also need a new helper function that checks whether the pipe being processed is a %W>%
is_W = function(pipe) identical(pipe, quote(`%W>%`))
environment(is_W) = asNamespace('magrittr')
Finally, we need to put a new branch into magrittr:::wrap_function
which checks if this is a %W>%
pipe. If so, it inserts options(warn = -1)
and on.exit(options(warn = w)
into the body of the function call.
new_wrap_function = function (body, pipe, env)
w <- options()$warn
if (magrittr:::is_tee(pipe)) {
body <- call("{", body, quote(.))
else if (magrittr:::is_dollar(pipe)) {
body <- substitute(with(., b), list(b = body))
else if (is_W(pipe)) {
body <-"{"), expression(options(warn=-1)), parse(text=paste0('on.exit(options(warn=', w, '))')), body))
eval(call("function", as.pairlist(alist(. = )), body), env, env)
assignInNamespace("wrap_function", new_wrap_function, ns="magrittr", pos="package:magrittr")
Testing this works:
data.frame(a= c(1,-1)) %W>% mutate(a=sqrt(a)) %>% cos
# a
# 1 0.5403023
# 2 NaN
compared to...
data.frame(a= c(1,-1)) %>% mutate(a=sqrt(a)) %>% cos
# a
# 1 0.5403023
# 2 NaN
# Warning message:
# In sqrt(a) : NaNs produced