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iTunes cross-platform IAP subscriptions - how does Netflix do it?

I'm creating a service which allows users to register on any number of devices (web, Android, Roku, iOS, Apple TV), and then purchase a monthly subscription to watch video content. The subscription provides access to the entire catalog. I have my own subscription management API running on a server which I'd like to leverage as the source of truth so users can purchase a subscription on their iPad, login to the app on Roku, and continue watching where they left off.

Basically, Netflix.

Here are my options as far as I can tell:

  1. Auto-renewing subscriptions: this is what Netflix uses today, but Apple doesn't provide an API or any set of webhooks around their payment platform, so I don't know how this option could work. My back-end service will have no idea when Apple automatically renews the subscription each month or if a user cancels their subscriptions.

  2. Non-renewing subscriptions: users purchase the subscription inside the app though IAP. Once purchase is complete, the app sync’s the subscription to my back-end system. The app interfaces with my back-end any time an entitlement check is required. When a user’s subscription is about to expire, the app must present purchase workflow again.

  3. Import iTunes reports: won't work because it's not realtime (pull, not push) and doesn't tell me anything about cancelled subscriptions. I can only generate reports of new subscribers.

  4. Receipt validation & push receipts to my service: won't work because it depends on the user actually using my app. Users could theoretically subscribe in my app, switch to Roku, and never open it again.

  5. Skip IAP altogether and require users to subscribe via web.

Am I missing something? I'm really curious how Netflix is pulling this off.


  • I know this is old, but Apple recently introduced Status Update Notifactions which accomplishes what the OP asked for via webhooks:

    1. Configure Apple to send notifications to your specified endpoint. (Apple's small guide)
    2. Handle the JSON object that's sent via HTTP POST from the App Store and validate latest receipt.
    3. Update/save data to your database.
    4. Respond with a 200 status code to report a success.

    You'll be able to handle the following notification types: INITIAL_BUY, CANCEL, RENEWAL, INTERACTIVE_RENEWAL, DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREFERENCE

    The documentation in the link above explains implementation and types in more detail.