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has no exported member 'CoordinateReferenceSystem'

Iam using suing "d3": "^4.10.0", and "@types/d3": "^4.10.0", in my angular 4 project , Suddenly its start throwing error

ERROR in @types/d3-geo/index.d.ts (39,19): Namespace '"@types/geojson/index"' has no exported member 'CoordinateReferenceSystem'.

I am come across this file which is using geojson

but I think type defination of geojson is not updated or , I am using worng version , can someone please help me.


  • I got a very similar error in an angular 4 app. It was fixed by installing @types/geojson v 1.0.6

    I am not sure how we inherited the bug in the first place though - we have fixed version npm packages in our package.json. We have a suspicion OpenLayers might be using d3.