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RealmMigrationNeededException while

I have a live app which uses a previous version of realm(v0.85.1), I'm working on a new release which uses version 4.2.0 of realm and also has a schema change. The schema change is just a single column added to one table. For the Migration I have this class.

public class ImRealmMigration implements RealmMigration{
    public void migrate(DynamicRealm realm, long oldVersion, long newVersion) {

        RealmSchema schema = realm.getSchema();

        if(oldVersion == 0){
                    .addField("orientation", String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED);

And in the application class I have this

        RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
                .migration(new ImRealmMigration())
        Realm.setDefaultConfiguration(realmConfiguration); // Make this Realm the default

        Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfiguration);

When I go to run the app, it works until the last line where it throws a RealmMigrationNeededException and proceeds to list all the primary keys in the schema saying they have been made optional. Does anybody know why this happens and what I can do to solve it? Here is the stacktrace:

                FATAL EXCEPTION: main  
                Unable to start activity io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException: 

        Migration is required due to the following errors:

- Property 'Book.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'BookType.bookTypeId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'ClipArt.url' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Contact.userId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Layout.layoutId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutClipArtItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutItem.itemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutPhotoItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutShapeItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutTextItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PagePhoto.pagePhotoId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Photo.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PhotoOrigin.identifier' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PrintPack.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PrintType.printTypeId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Product.productId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'ProductFamilyMarketing.productFamilyType' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Region.rid' has been made optional.
                                                                                                           at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                                                                                           at android.os.Looper.loop(
                                                                                                           at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                                                                                                           at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
                                                                                                        Caused by: io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException: Migration is required due to the following errors:
                                                                                                       - Property 'Book.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'BookType.bookTypeId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'ClipArt.url' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Contact.userId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Layout.layoutId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutClipArtItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutItem.itemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutPhotoItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutShapeItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'LayoutTextItem.layoutItemId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property '' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PagePhoto.pagePhotoId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Photo.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PhotoOrigin.identifier' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PrintPack.privateId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'PrintType.printTypeId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Product.productId' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'ProductFamilyMarketing.productFamilyType' has been made optional.
                                                                                                       - Property 'Region.rid' has been made optional.
                                                                                                           at io.realm.internal.OsSharedRealm.nativeGetSharedRealm(Native Method)
                                                                                                           at io.realm.internal.OsSharedRealm.<init>(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.internal.OsSharedRealm.getInstance(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.BaseRealm.<init>(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.BaseRealm.<init>(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.Realm.<init>(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.Realm.createInstance(
                                                                                                           at io.realm.RealmCache.doCreateRealmOrGetFromCache(
                                                                                                        at io


  • 0.89.0

    Breaking changes

    @PrimaryKey field value can now be null for String, Byte, Short, Integer, and Long types. Older Realms should be migrated, using RealmObjectSchema.setNullable(), or by adding the @Required annotation (#2515).

    See the change log for version 0.89.0

    You can bypass this easily by adding @Required on your @PrimaryKey fields.