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Factory Boy and related objects creation

Let's say you have these Django models related this way:

class Service:
   restaurant = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant)
   hist_day_period = models.ForeignKey(DayPeriod)

class DayPeriod:
   restaurant = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant)

I want to create a Service object, using a Factory. It should create all 3 models but use the same restaurant.

Using this code:

class ServiceFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Service

    restaurant = factory.SubFactory('restaurants.factories.RestaurantFactory')

    hist_day_period = factory.SubFactory(
        'day_periods.factories.DayPeriodFactory', restaurant=restaurant)

Factory boy will create 2 different restaurants:

s1 = ServiceFactory.create() ==
>>> False

Any idea on how to do this? It's unclear to me if I should use related factors instead of SubFactory to accomplish this.


  • You want to use factoryboy's parents and SelfAttribute

    class ServiceFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
        class Meta:
            model = Service
        restaurant = factory.SubFactory('restaurants.factories.RestaurantFactory')
        hist_day_period = factory.SubFactory(

    with this test app I get

    In [1]: from service.tests import ServiceFactory
    In [2]: s1 = ServiceFactory.create()
    In [3]: ==
    Out[3]: True
    In [4]: s1.restaurant_id
    Out[4]: 4
    In [5]: s1.hist_day_period.restaurant_id
    Out[5]: 4