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How to have multiple http configurations with akka-http

With akka-http, you can provide typesafe config as described here which is put in application.conf. so a minified config can look like following:

akka.http {
  client {
    connecting-timeout = 10s
  host-connection-pool {
    max-connections = 4
    max-open-requests = 32

My question is if I have to call different external services in the app, I create different pool to those. How do I change these config(max-connections, max-open-requests) for these different pools calling different external services.


  • One solution I have found so far for this is, overwriting the connectionPoolSettings and passing it when creating http pool:

          settings = ConnectionPoolSettings(httpActorSystem).withMaxOpenRequests(1).withMaxConnections(1)

    Here I can provide appropriate config for maxOpenRequests and maxConnectionsas par my requirement.