I have a soapClient call that works fine with PHP 5.6 (RH6). We are upgrading the system to PHP 7 (RH7 with the same configuration as the previous one) but the same call does not work.
This is my code
$wsdlUrl = "https://THE_URL_I_AM_CALLING/repository/soap/2.1?wsdl";
$sslClientCert = "../../app/config/ssl/ssl_cert.crt";
$sslClientKey = "../../app/config/ssl/ssl_cert.key";
$proxy = 'proxy_http';
$port = 8080;
$contextOptions = [
'ssl' => [
'local_cert' => $sslClientCert,
'local_pk' => $sslClientKey,
'SNI_enabled' => true,
'SNI_server_name' => 'THE_URL_I_AM_CALLING'
$options= [
"soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
"stream_context" => stream_context_create($contextOptions),
'proxy_host' => $proxy,
'proxy_port' => $port
$client = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, $options);
try {
// execute the search
$searchResults = $client->searchDocuments([
"text" => "myText",
"hint" => "document"
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
the error I get under PHP 7 is
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Could not connect to host
if I make the call using CURL it works.
I would rather use clientSoap to make my life easier.
I found the solution. Posting it here so no other soul on earth needs to go through this ordeal.
According to the documentation http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php#context.ssl.sni-server-name
SNI_server_name (string): If set, then this value will be used as server name for server name indication. If this value is not set, then the server name is guessed based on the hostname used when opening the stream.
Note: This option is deprecated, in favour of peer_name, as of PHP 5.6.0.
After changing:
'SNI_server_name' => 'THE_URL_I_AM_CALLING'
'peer_name' => 'THE_URL_I_AM_CALLING'
It works.