How can i Make any words into Autoit Commands?
This Code Works only if i type a Keyboard Hotkey combination, (but i want to type a word to execute the Autoit code.)
HotKeySet Example:
HotKeySet (“{F1}”, “calc”)
Func calc()
Local $iPID = ShellExecute (“calc.exe”)
Is there a Hotstringset Alternative.
i now in autohotkey you can make any words into Commands.
Autohotkey Languages example:
if i type calc it will execute the Autohotkey code.
run calc.exe
With this you can make any words into Autoit Commands.
Step 1 - You can Download the File Here. (included with the HotString.au3) HotKeySet vs HotStringSet
Step 2 - Unzip it + Copy manually the HotString.au3 to path C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include
Step 3 - Now your are ready to use HotStringSet in any Autoit Script.
You can Type on your keyboard any text, for example in Wordpad : Type calc+Space and it will run the Calculator and if you Type kbc+Space it will replace the text kbc into keyboard control and if you Type pi+Space it will replace the text pi into Symbol pi.
Write this Autoit Code.
#include <HotString.au3>
HotKeySet ('{F1}', 'quit')
HotStringSet('kbc{SPACE}', replace1)
HotStringSet('pi{SPACE}', replace2)
HotStringSet('calc{SPACE}', replace3)
Func quit()
Func replace1()
;MsgBox(0,'','You did typed kbc! :)')
send ('{BS 4}keyboard control ') ; replace [kbc] into [keyboard control]
Func replace2()
;MsgBox(0,'','You did typed pi! :)')
send ('{BS 3}{ASC 960} ') ; replace [pi] into [symbol p]
Func replace3()
;MsgBox(0,'','You did typed calc! :)')
Local $iPID = ShellExecute ('calc.exe') ; If you type calc it wil run the application calculator.
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