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psycopg2 inserting variables with quotes and parenthesis into table

I am using python 3.6 and psycopg2 to upload CSV-files to a postgres database. postgresql is not too happy with quotes and paranthesis in the variables. Is there a smart way to insert such variables into a database?

var_list = ['p_pladser.3320', '1108', "Christian II's Allé", '1', 'nej', "Christian II's Allé", 'Ulige husnr.', 'Amager Vest', '', 'Uafmærket parkering', '2012-02-14T12:06:07', '2009-07-15T00:00:00', '', '37086', 'MULTILINESTRING ((12.60868230570311 55.65583969695316, 12.608588075325498 55.65581925066134))']

I have tried

query = "INSERT INTO p_pladser (FID, vejkode, vejnavn, antal_pladser, restriktion, vejstatus, vejside, bydel, p_ordning, p_type, rettelsedato, oprettelsesdato, bemaerkning, id, wkb_geometry) VALUES %s" % repr(tuple(map(str,var_list)))


query = "INSERT INTO p_pladser (FID, vejkode, vejnavn, antal_pladser, restriktion, vejstatus, vejside, bydel, p_ordning, p_type, rettelsedato, oprettelsesdato, bemaerkning, id, wkb_geometry) VALUES %s" % ','.join('?' * len(var_list))
cursor.execute(query, var_list)

Both suggestions from another post to a similar but simple problem.


  • In short: don't put literals into the query; use placeholders and parameter binding.