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Angular 5, HttpClient changes Date fields to UTC

I Have an object which has a Date type property on client side. When I try to send object via to server, property's value changes to UTC timezone.

On client side value is Sun Nov 26 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Turkey Standard Time) but when it goes to server, changes to : 25.11.2017 21:00:00

How can I control This?

This is my class.

export interface IBill {
   BillID : number;
   SiteID : number;
   SubscriptionName: string;
   Amount: number;
   Date: Date;
   PaymentDeadline: Date;
   Virtual: boolean;
   Portioned: boolean;
   Issuanced: boolean;
   FinancialTransactionComment : string;}

I create an object of this while filling a ng-form, then call following :

let bill = this.formData; + url, bill , { headers: headers, withCredentials: true, observe: "response", responseType: 'text' })
        .map((response) => {
            return this.parseResponse(response);
        (err) =>


  • I changed Type of Date, PaymentDeadline to string.

    export interface IBill {
       BillID : number;
       SiteID : number;
       SubscriptionName: string;
       Amount: number;
       Date: string;
       PaymentDeadline: string;
       Virtual: boolean;
       Portioned: boolean;
       Issuanced: boolean;
       FinancialTransactionComment : string; }

    and before sending to service rewrite them.

    let bill = this.formData;
    bill.Date = this.formData.Date.toLocaleString();
    bill.PaymentDeadline = this.formData.PaymentDeadline.toLocaleString();

    in this case time will sent as string ("11/10/2017, 12:00:00 AM") and no change will be done for UTC time Zone