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Spring JpaRepository findBy...In(Collection) returns union not intersection

I have a query method in my JpaRepository

    Page<Course> findDistinctCourseByAttrsInAllIgnoreCase(Set<String> a, Pageable page);

to find Course objects by their instance variable Set<String> attrs. Given a Set a with "foo" and "bar", I want to find Courses whose attrs contain BOTH "foo" and "bar", i.e. an intersection of Courses with "foo" and those with "bar". This method above returns a union.

Is there a way to do this with JpaRepository queries or do I have to make multiple calls and find the intersection myself?


  • In the unlikely case that you know the number of as up front you could combine multiple constraints with And:


    But even if the precondition holds that would be very ugly.

    So the next best option is probably a Specification and a factoryMethod constructing the Specification from a Set<String> or from varargs.

    Your repository needs to extend JpaSpecificationExecutor. You would call it like this

    Page<Course> findAll(matchesAll(attrs), pageable) 

    And the factory method would look something like this:

    Specification<Course> matchesAll(Set<String> attrs) {
        return (Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) -> {
            // construct Predicate by combining calls to builder.isMember