I have two custom objects, X and Y.
The object Y is related to X by lookup YretatedX__c.
I am trying to show all Y related to X y standart page of X whith a visualforce.
<apex:page standardController="X__c" extensions="related_list">
<apex:detail relatedList="true">
<apex:relatedList list="Y__c" subject="{!AllRelated}"/>
Apex Class:
public class related_list {
private X__c x;
private Id idX;
public List<Y__c> AllRelated = new Y__c[]{};
public related_list(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
idX = this.x.Id;
public List<Y__c> getAllRelated() {
AllRelated = [SELECT id FROM Y__c WHERE YretatedX__c =: this.idX];
return AllRelated;
In X page, the visualforce only shows:
Invalid parameter value "[a120E0000001234567, a120E0000007654321]" for parameter "id"
This Ids are valid for Y objects retated to this X object
I tried a lot, but I can find a solution.
I found a solution using <apex:pageBlockTable instead of <apex:relatedList
<apex:page standardController="X__c" extensions="related_list">
<apex:pageblock id="CustomList" title="Y" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AllRelated}" var="y" rendered="true">
<apex:column value="{!y.id}"/>