I would like to write an WebExtension to have a blank private browsing page, inspired by an old extension: https://github.com/iPotable/BlankPrivateBrowsingPage
I thought I could use chrome_url_overrides for any chrome page. So I tried:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Blank private browsing page",
"chrome_url_overrides" : {
"chrome://browser/content/aboutPrivateBrowsing.xhtml": "index.html"
"version": "0.1"
But it seems that it can be used only for certain chrome pages, right?
See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json/chrome_url_overrides
A second option that I tried was a UserScript:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Blank aboutPrivateBrowsing page
// @include chrome://browser/content/aboutPrivateBrowsing.xhtml
// ==/UserScript==
But seems that Greasemonkey can not handle chrome URLs.
Can anyone think of another solution?
Currently, you cannot override about:newtab in private mode. However, what you should be able to do inside a WebExtension:
Then you will have more or less the same.
function handleUpdated(tabId, changeInfo, tabInfo) {
//console.log("favIconUrl updated is " + changeInfo.favIconUrl);
if (tabInfo.incognito && changeInfo.favIconUrl.indexOf("privatebrowsing") > -1){
//console.log("opening about:blank..");
browser.tabs.update({url: "about:blank"});
The code above sadly gives a noticable graphical glitch. Instead of favIconUrl you can probably use tab.title == "New Tab" as well (but that will only work for English versions of Firefox).