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An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the ListIdentities operation: IdentityPool 'ap-southeast-2:x' not found

I'm trying to get a list of users in AWS running the command:

aws cognito-identity list-identities --max-results 60 --identity-pool-id ap-southeast-2:xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Where 'ap-southeast-2:xxxxxxxxxx' is found in AWS console/Federated Identities/Identity Browser.

My AWS CLI is set to default region ap-southeast-2 and the identity ID passed in is definitely correct.


  • You are trying to use a Cognito User Pool ID. Identity Pool and Cognito User Pool are separate things.

    An identity pool ID is of the below format:


    To find the identity pool, go the AWS Cognito Console -> Manage Federated Identities. To get the ID of the identity pool, click Edit.