I would like to sample a big raster by creating In small raster 100x100 cells. I don't know how to do that so any ideas are welcome
My actual lead :
r <- raster(ncol=1000,nrow=1000) # create empty raster
r[] <- 1:(1000*1000) # Raster for testing
e <- extent(r) # get extend
# coerce to a SpatialPolygons object
p <- as(e, 'SpatialPolygons')
nc <- as.owin.SpatialPolygons(p) #polyCub
pts <- rpoint(50, win = nc)
Now I need to generate 100x100 cell square around my 50 points and I would like to crop r
using those square and stack each small raster individually ...
The answer by @adrian-baddeley basically has the ingredients to do what
you want. If you simply want a list of small im
objects that contain
the 100x100 box you simply subset im
objects by owin
objects to
extract the relevant region. Here is an example (with fewer points to
avoid overplotting)
r <- raster(ncol=1000,nrow=1000) # create empty raster
r[] <- 1:(1000*1000) # Raster for testing
e <- extent(r) # get extend
# coerce to a SpatialPolygons object
p <- as(e, 'SpatialPolygons')
nc <- as.owin.SpatialPolygons(p)
pts <- rpoint(7, win = nc)
rim <- as.im.RasterLayer(r)
Box <- owin(c(-50,50) * rim$xstep, c(-50,50) * rim$ystep)
The following is a list of im
objects of size 100x100
imlist <- solapply(seq_len(npoints(pts)),
function(i) rim[shift(Box, pts[i])])
Here is a plot of the im
objects in the region and the points on top
for(i in imlist) plot(i, add = TRUE)
plot(pts, pch = 19, add = TRUE)
You can convert to a list of raster layers with
rasterList <- lapply(imlist, as, Class = "RasterLayer")
PS: The following is a list of im
objects of the original size with
outside the 100x100 box if you need that format instead
imlist <- solapply(seq_len(npoints(pts)),
function(i) rim[shift(Box, pts[i]), drop = FALSE])