I don't have much experience with XML files but I'm trying to append a tutorial I found online to suite my needs and I'm not getting the results I would expect.
I've searched around but everything I've found doesn't make sense to me.
My XML looks like this for the most part:
<!-- Kentucky Start -->
<State>Kentucky KY
<Street>Pavilion Parkway<Number>130<PostalCode>41071</PostalCode></Number></Street>
<Street>Highway 90<Number>7351<PostalCode>40701</PostalCode></Number></Street>
I'm trying to populate a listbox with the value of each state but my code either returns white space or just the text within the XML tag
e.g. State.. State.. repeated for each element.
while (reader.Read()) {
switch (reader.NodeType) {
case XmlNodeType.Element: // The node is an element.
// Skip over root element
if (reader.Name.Equals("US")) {
else {
if(reader.Name.Equals("State")) {
reader.Name returns "State" reader.Value returns "Whitespace"
I don't understand why reader.Value does not return Kentucky KY... I've seen other examples that use string builder, is this a bad approach?
Use reader.ReadString()
instead of reader.Value