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Why doesn't a pointer to an element in a c-string return just the element?

I'm trying to understand how pointers work here. The findTheChar function searches through str for the character chr. If the chr is found, it returns a pointer into str where the character was first found, otherwise nullptr (not found). My question is why does the function print out "llo" instead of "l"? while the code I wrote in main return an "e" instead of "ello"?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const char* findTheChar(const char* str, char chr)
    while (*str != 0)
        if (*str == chr)
            return str;
    return nullptr;

int main()
    char x[6] = "hello";
    char* ptr = x;
    while (*ptr != 0)
        if (*ptr == x[1])
            cout << *ptr << endl; //returns e
    cout << findTheChar("hello", 'l') << endl; // returns llo


  • cout << findTheChar("hello", 'l') << endl; //returns llo

    Return type of findTheChar is const char *. When you try to print a const char * with std::cout it would print the character array pointed by the address upto terminating \0 character.

    str -> +---+---+---+---+---+---+
           | h | e | l | l | o | \0|
             findTheChar(str, 'l')

    If you want just one character, dereference the address (If it is not null). If you want to print the return address, you can typecast it to void *.

    while the code i wrote in main return an "e" instead of "ello"

    cout << *ptr << endl; //returns e

    Here you are explicitly dereferencing the ptr as *ptr and thus you are printing a char and not const char *.

    As you are using C++, you would be better with std::string and iterators.

    // Returns offset of first occurance if found
    // Returns -1 if not found
    int findTheChar(const std::string& str, char chr );