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Raspbian docker: Error response from daemon: cgroups: memory cgroup not supported on this system: unknown

I am new to docker, I plug my PI3 to test some stuff and I'm already facing an error, I can't figured that out myself.

So I freshly install raspbian and docker.

That's my install log

install log

Then I try the classic hello-word test

and there is the log

hello world test


  • It looks 17.11.0 has the problem.

    Could you try to install the old one as below ?

    $ sudo apt install docker-ce=17.09.0~ce-0~raspbian

    Or wait for the fix.

    It looks 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch has same issue. To avoid upgrading by apt upgrade, Do:
    sudo apt-mark hold docker-ce.
    And unhold when it fixes.