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Sorting a Custom Object by different property values in Swift

I am trying to sort an array of Custom Structs by different property values easily.

struct Customer: Comparable, Equatable {
    var name: String
    var isActive: Bool
    var outstandingAmount: Int
    var customerGroup: String

var customerlist: [Customer] // This is downloaded from our backend. 

I want to be able to sort the customerlist array in the UI by all the field values when the user selects the various icons.

I have tried a few methods to sort it using a switch statement - however I am told that the correct way to do this is using Sort Descriptors( which appear to be Objective-C based and mean I need to convert my array to an NSArray. ) I keep getting errors when I try this approach with native Swift structs.

What is the best way to allow the user to sort the above array using Swift?

Eg: below seems very verbose!

func sortCustomers(sortField:ColumnOrder, targetArray:[Customer]) -> [Customer] { //Column Order is the enum where I have specified the different possible sort orders
        var result = [Customer]()
    switch sortField {
        case .name:
             result = targetArray.sorted(by: { (cust0: Customer, cust1: Customer) -> Bool in
                return >
        case .isActive:
             result = targetArray.sorted(by: { (cust0: Customer, cust1: Customer) -> Bool in
                return cust0.isActive > cust1.isActive
        case .outstandingAmount:
            result = targetArray.sorted(by: { (cust0: Customer, cust1: Customer) -> Bool in
                return cust0.outstandingAmount > cust1.outstandingAmount
        case .customerGroup:
            result = targetArray.sorted(by: { (cust0: Customer, cust1: Customer) -> Bool in
                return cust0.customerGroup > cust1.customerGroup
    return result


  • What I would go with, is using KeyPaths:

    func sortCustomers<T: Comparable>(customers: [Customer], with itemPath: KeyPath<Customer, T>) -> [Customer] {
        return customers.sorted() {
           $0[keyPath: itemPath] < $1[keyPath: itemPath]

    This approach avoids the need for your enum at all, and allows you to just do

    let testData = [Customer(name: "aaaa", isActive: false, outstandingAmount: 1, customerGroup: "aaa"),
                    Customer(name: "bbbb", isActive: true, outstandingAmount: 2, customerGroup: "bbb")];
    let testResultsWithName = sortCustomers(customers: testData, with: \
    let testResultsWithActive = sortCustomers(customers: testData, with: \Customer.isActive) 
    // etc

    Notice that I switched the > to a <. That is the default expectation and will result in "a" before "b", "1" before "2", etc.

    Also, you need to add an extension for Bool to be comparable:

    extension Bool: Comparable {
        public static func <(lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool) -> Bool {
            return lhs == rhs || (lhs == false && rhs == true)

    To round out the approach, you can also pass in a comparison function:

    func sortCustomers<T: Comparable>(customers: [Customer], comparing itemPath: KeyPath<Customer, T>, using comparitor: (T, T) -> Bool) -> [Customer] {
        return customers.sorted() {
            comparitor($0[keyPath: itemPath], $1[keyPath: itemPath])
    let testResults = sortCustomers(customers: testData, comparing: \, using: <)

    This way you can use the normal comparison operators: (<, <=, >, >=) as well as a closure if you want custom sorting.