Search code examples

Having some trouble with Tkinter Treeview and SQLite when trying to search for a name in a database

I have successfully been able to click a search button on my tkinter GUI and have the results display in my treeview however if I want to search straight again I get an error because when trying to write for the second time it's writing to the same row as the first search query. How would I either clear the treeview or make sure that my program writes to the next row in my treeview?

srchEntry = str(searchEntry.get())
conn = sqlite3.connect('test.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT memberID, fullName, username FROM Test WHERE fullName ='"+srchEntry+"'")
data = c.fetchall()
treeview.insert("", 0, 1, values=(str(data[0][0]), str(data[0][1]), str(data[0][2])))

So 'data' will return ('memberID', 'fullname', 'username') and I am inserting those values into my treeview


  • Read doc Treeview.insert.

    insert() has parameter index to choose row. Or you can use word end to put after last row.

    delete() needs id of inserted row/item (not row number)

    item_id = treeview.insert(...)

    and later
