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How to use JAXBElement in jackson xml serialization?

I have autogenerated java classes from xsd using xsd2java. I cannot modify neither xsd nor the java classes.

Problem: in one class an element of List<JAXBElement> is generated. If I now add any JAXBElement, the jackson xml marshaller won't show the proper xml element, but the properties of the JAXBElement serialized. Like declaredType, scope, etc. See below.

@XmlRootElement(name = "bookingRequest")
public class AutogeneratedReq {
    private List<JAXBElement<?>> someElements;


AutogeneratedReq req = new AutogeneratedReq();
JAXBElement<?> person = new ObjectFactory().createPerson();


        <scope></scope><value someattribues="test"/>

Question: how can I tell jackson or spring-mvc to generate proper xml, and not JAXBElement serialization explicit?


  • I don't know which xsd2java utility you currently use, but you can try the following maven plugin to generate Java classes from XSD files.

    And then you can use following extension to create correctly typed POJO's.

    BUT even if you can create typed POJO attributes, the XML file generated from this POJO may not be 100% valid against original XSD file.

    <jaxb:bindings multiple="true" node="//xs:element[@name='someElement']//xs:complexType//xs:choice//xs:element">