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Check if file exists with Laravel 5.5 Storage? Storage for Avatar

Based on this code: I created the following code in order to upload an avatar and delete the old one. I'm tried to use Storage:Facade but I'm not sure if it is the right way. So let's look at my code excerpt:

                    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

                    $avatar = $request->file('avatar');

                    $filename = time() . '.' . $avatar->getClientOriginalExtension();      

                    //Using Image intervention, storing to Public/Images/user
                    Image::make($avatar)->orientate()->fit(220)->save( public_path('/images/user/' . $filename ) );
                    $user = Auth::user();

                    $oldavatar = $user->avatar;

                    $user->avatar = $filename;

                    //Delete old avatar
                    if($oldavatar != 'profile.jpg' and Storage::disk('public')->exists('/images/user/' . $oldavatar );){

                        Storage::disk('public')->delete('/images/user/' . $oldavatar );

So I tested it out with dd(Storage::disk('public')->exists('index.php')); etc. I tried every file there is. I also added a disk in the filesystem.php with

    'images' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('app/public/images'),
        'visibility' => 'public',

Still nothing, I'm getting a false for exists.


  • For future readers:

                       //e.g. user/hashMD5.jpg
                        $filename = $avatar->hashName('user');
                        $image = Image::make($avatar)->orientate()->fit(220);
                        $location = Storage::disk('images')->put($filename, (string) $image->encode());
                            $user = Auth::user();
                            $oldfilename = $user->avatar;                           
                            $oldfileexists = Storage::disk('images')->exists( $oldfilename );
                            //Delete old avatar
                            if($oldfilename != 'user/profile.jpg' and $oldfileexists){
                                Storage::disk('images')->delete( $oldfilename );
                            //Save current image to database. Sollte ich nicht update benutzen?
                            $user->avatar = $filename;

    With the filesystem.php:

            'images' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => storage_path('app/public/images'),
            'visibility' => 'public',