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OneM2M coap client in node.js

I have to develop a node.js app which can interact with another oneM2M server. In particular the node.js app need to exchange data using CoaP protocol, but I don't know how to do that in a oneM2M compliant manner.

I started my node.js project using this module: but I need some support to create a CoaP client using oneM2M protocol.

Code samples are really appreciated.


  • According to TS-0008: CoAP Protocol Binding in chapter 6.2.1 Header there is the following oneM2M operations mapping with CoAP methods:

    Operation      CoAP Method
    CREATE         POST
    RETRIEVE       GET
    UPDATE         PUT
    DELETE         DELETE
    NOTIFY         POST 

    Then in chapter Definition of New Options a new set of CoAP options is introduced, mapping oneM2M header parameters. Here the main HTTP header variables are listed with CoAP option equivalents:

    Header HTTP variable   CoAP Option
    X-M2M-Origin           256
    X-M2M-RI               257
    oneM2M-TY              267

    So here is a minimal node.js script to do a GET operation, that is to retrieve latest contentInstance in the container resource with path /<cseBase>/<AE>/<Container>:

    var coap = require('coap');
    var options = {
        host : '<hostname>',
        port : 5683,
        pathname : "/<cseBase>/<AE>/<Container>/la",
        method : 'get',
        confirmable : 'true',
        options : {
            'Accept' : 'application/json'
    var bodyString = '';    // void string for GET operation
    var responseBody = '';
    var req = coap.request(options);
    req.setOption("256", new Buffer("<origin>"));   // X-M2M-Origin (mandatory)
    req.setOption("257", new Buffer('123456'));     // X-M2M-RI (mandatory)
    req.on('response', function (res) {
        res.on('data', function () {
            responseBody += res.payload.toString();
        res.on('end', function () {
            if (res.code == '2.05') {
                console.log('[coap] coap ready, request OK');
                var obj = JSON.parse(responseBody);
                console.log('[coap] responseBody', obj);
            } else {
                console.log('[coap] coap res.code='+res.code);

    And this is a minimal POST operation example, that is to create a contentInstance in the container resource with path /<cseBase>/<AE>/<Container>:

    var coap = require('coap');
    var options = {
        host : '<hostname>',
        port : 5683,
        pathname : "/<cseBase>/<AE>/<Container>",
        method : 'post',
        confirmable : 'true',
        options : {
            'Content-Format' : 'application/json'
    var bodyString = new Buffer('{"m2m:cin":{ "con":{"temperature":33}}}');
    var responseBody = '';
    var req = coap.request(options);
    req.setOption("256", new Buffer("<origin>"));   // X-M2M-Origin (mandatory)
    req.setOption("257", new Buffer('123456'));     // X-M2M-RI (mandatory)
    req.setOption("267", new Buffer([4]));          // ty = 4, ContentInstance resource type
    req.on('response', function (res) {
        res.on('data', function () {
            responseBody += res.payload.toString();
        res.on('end', function () {
            if (res.code == '2.05') {
                console.log('[coap] coap ready, request OK');
                var obj = JSON.parse(responseBody);
                console.log('[coap] responseBody', obj);
            } else {
                console.log('[coap] coap res.code='+res.code);