I want to insert new rows to an sql table dynamically in SQLAlchemy.
I basically want to do this, but instead of doing it with an UPDATE, I want to do it with an INSERT.
I am using Flask and WTForms.
Right now, I have to add a new user doing this:
if form.validate_on_submit():
contact_info = UserContactInfo(street_number=form.street_number.data,
street_address = form.street_address.data,
unit_number = form.unit_number.data
I would be able to add new attributes to UserContactInfo alot easier if I could iterate through the Inserts.
I have tried to do it this way, but no change is made to the database.
form = ContactInfoForm()
contact_info = UserContactInfo()
if form.validate_on_submit():
table_obj_members = get_attributes(UserContactInfo())
for aa in table_obj_members:
form_data = getattr(form, aa).data
setattr(contact_info, aa, form_data)
I have seen a couple discussions around this and instantiating the whole Class and not the object attribute, but I can't seem to make this apply to this problem.
Thanks for any help.
In your second example you forgot to add modified object to the session before commiting.
There is a function in WTForms that does exactly what you describe: populate_obj()
if form.validate_on_submit():
contact_info = UserContactInfo()