I am currently using Google Firebase's new Firestore to create a new app while learning angular. My app currently creates a collection called Links and creates a new document with a custom id that is generated when the user adds a link and is the shorturl, and in that document, there are 4 fields:
I want the app to query the data that is within the document in the url field.
I've created a path to the correct document:
linkCollection: Observable<{}>;
constructor(private afs: AngularFirestore, private router: Router) {
this.path = this.router.url.replace('/','');
This is probably an easy solution but im not sure how to get the url field. The code I have is able to retrieve the document and I use a similar method in another section to retrieve all of the thinks and using *ngFor display the data but im not sure how to do it in the ts file instead of the template.
Here's the basic pattern you would follow to read a document as an Observable and use its data in a component template.
linkRef: AngularFirestoreDocument<any>;
link: Observable<any>;
path: string;
constructor(private afs: AngularFirestore, private router: Router) {}
ngOnInit() {
// 0. this works, but there's probably better ways to get the ID
this.path = this.router.url.replace('/','');
// 1. make a reference
this.linkRef = this.afs.collection('links').doc(this.path)
// 2. get the Observable
this.link = this.linkRef.valueChanges();
Then in your HTML, you can unwrap the observable and display the URL property.
{{ (link | async)?.url }}
Alternatively, can unwrap it by subscribing manually somewhere in the TS, but you should also unsubscribe during NgOnDestroy to avoid memory leaks.
this.link.subscribe(data => console.log(data) )