I have a conversation table like so
| Id | sender_id | recipient_id |
| 0 | 3 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
So basically, a sender_id could be in the recipient_id column depending on anyone that initiates a conversation first.
How do I make a query, for instance passing a recipient_id, 2. And check if it is in sender_id column, or recipient_id column. Something like:
@Query("select * from conversation where sender_id = :userId OR recipient_id = :userId ")
LiveData<Conversation> getAConversationByUserId(long userId);
Will this work? Haven't tried it. should I use || or OR
you could try the following:
FROM conversation
WHERE sender_id = user_id OR recipient_id = user_id;
it's the same as you asked but I've laid it out this way as I use workbench. I've used OR in the statement.
As pointed out in the comments, in SQLlite || is specifically a concatenation operator and does not operate the same as OR. Apologies for my previous error!