I'm developing a message system, based on toaster notifications:
My question is simple, I want to extend the functionality to allow multiple alert components that can be targeted individually within different templates.
For example, the root app.component.html template would have:
<alert root></alert>
A sub component would have:
<alert subcomponent></alert>
The current implementation of the toaster tutorial (component) will target any instance of the alert component within a template.
If there were two, they would both get the same message when the service is invoked.
Ideally, I want to add another parameter onto the service call:
you can use an string input attribute in the alert directive component called target.
and when the alert.service trigger an alert the component only shows if the target match:
// add this input
@Input() target: string;
ngOnInit() {
this.alertService.getAlert().subscribe((alert: Alert) => {
// add this statament
if (alert.target === this.target) {
/*each alert function recive an extra parameter for target, if you needed with a default value, "root" for example*/
<alert target='root'></alert>
// calling an alert
message='operation success',