I would like to sample k
numbers where the first number is sampled from 1:n
and the second from 1:n-1
and the third from 1:n-2
and so on.
I have the below implementation
function shrinksample(n,k)
[rand(1:m) for m in n:-1:n-k+1]
Are there faster solutions in Julia?
The following takes ideas from the implementation of randperm
and since n
and k
are of the same order, this is appropriate as the same type of randomness is needed (both have output space of size n
function fastshrinksample(r::AbstractRNG,n,k)
a = Vector{typeof(n)}(k)
@assert n <= Int64(2)^52
k == 0 && return a
mask = (1<<(64-leading_zeros(n)))-1
nextmask = mask>>1
nn = n
for i=1:k
a[i] = 1+Base.Random.rand_lt(r, nn, mask)
nn -= 1
if nn == nextmask
mask, nextmask = nextmask, nextmask>>1
return a
fastshrinksample(n,k) = fastshrinksample(Base.Random.GLOBAL_RNG, n, k)
Benchmarking gives a 3x improvement for one tested instance:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime shrinksample(10000,10000);
310.277 μs (2 allocations: 78.20 KiB)
julia> @btime fastshrinksample(10000,10000);
91.815 μs (2 allocations: 78.20 KiB)
The trick is mainly to use the internal Base.Random.rand_lt
instead of regular rand(1:n)