Im trying to read a file with about 200 lines, and thereafter saving the diffrent lines into a struct. The stuct is as following:
struct person_data{
char name[20];
char lastname[30];
int age;
char country[3]
The lines in the file is setup as:
"Tom HALL" 32 ENG
"Ryan SMITH" 24 USA
So my problems is that i am not sure how i am supposed to read that file, and put the information into a struct. I how been trying a to save the file into my struct, and print it, but the result is a directory paths on my computer and a lot of weird symbols before it crashes. My code is:
int main(){
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("person.txt", "r");
person_data *person = malloc(sizeof(struct person_info));
int i = 0;
if(fp != NULL) {
while ( i < 200 ) {
fscanf(fp, "%[A-Za-z] %[A-Z] %d %[A-Z]",
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
printf("%s %s %d %s",
return 0;
I am not sure what went wrong, and would therefore like to ask if anybody knows what i did wrong and how to fix this. When i run the program it looks like this:
First of all look at your malloc
and think what is wrong? You malloced just for one single struct. Allocating works the same for all types. If you need to allocate an array of struct person
, you do that with:
struct person_data *person = malloc(number_of_elements * sizeof(struct person_data));
btw your have an typo in sizeof(sturct person_info)
you don't have person_info struct
I test your code and with this statement it doesn't work fscanf(fp, "%[A-Za-z] %[A-Z] %d %[A-Z]")
i can't figure out why... but i just rewrite it to fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d %s")
and all work well
in perror()
you pass FILE*
but it expected const char *s
from man:
The perror() function produces a message on standard error describing the last error encountered during a call to a system or library function.
First (if s is not NULL and *s is not a null byte ('\0')), the argument string s is printed, fol‐ lowed by a colon and a blank. Then an error message corresponding to the current value of errno and a new-line. To be of most use, the argument string should include the name of the function that incurred the error.
And also you need for + 1 in size for string because last char is '\0'; in your case country have [3] need [4];
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct person_data {
char name[20];
char lastname[30];
int age;
char country[4];
int main(){
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("person.txt", "r");
struct person_data *person = malloc(sizeof(struct person_data) * 4);
int i = 0;
if(fp != NULL) {
while ( i < 4 ) {
fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d %s",
perror("FP ERROR: ");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
printf("%-8s %-10s %-10d %-10s\n",
return 0;
I try with four person in my person.txt and it work. and it print :
"Tom HALL" 32 ENG
"Ryan SMITH" 24 USA
"Hal Al" 25 UKR
"Peter Peters" 99 ENG