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Internationalization with spring boot. Default messages

i want to provide the text on my page in a language the user understands. Since i don't speak every language on the world and i don't trust google transalte that much ;) i want to use a default language.

I thought I could just provide every language i know in a or and for every language i didn't provide like this the default is used.

It turns out that this is not the case. The two explicitly provided languages do work as expected but if i try to visit my site when set my browsers language for example to polish, it shows german instead of english which is used in my

I didn't do any specific configuration to use internationalization. I just use the thymeleaf-starter and reference my messages by th:text="#{}"

Do i have to configure anything to make the default?


  • Okay i just figured out what the problem was.

    There is a property spring.messages.fallback-to-system-locale which defaults to true. That's why the german messages were picked for a unknown language. When setting it to false it defaults to the