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Blocks as various data structures in Rebol

I gather that in Rebol one is expected to use a block for representing arbitrary structured data. Are there built-in or standard ways of treating blocks as data structures other than lists?

I am thinking of:

  • stacks
  • queues (possibly double-ended)
  • sets
  • maps aka. associative arrays


  • Rebol have three holders of arbitrary data that all can be treated the same way.

    • block! implemented as an array, for fast index (integer) referencing
    • list! implemented as a linked list, for fast inserting and removing data
    • hash! implemented as a hash referenced list, for fast lookup of both data and key

    You operate on them in the same way with

    insert append index? find poke select ...

    but they differ a little in result and particularly in response time.

    In your case use

    • block! for a stack
    • list! for queues (I think)
    • hash! for associative arrays

    As mentioned all operate similarly (even the hash! can be referenced by index). Hence you can treat any of them as an associative array.

    >> x: [a one b two c 33]
    == [a one b two c 33]
    >> x/a
    == one
    >> x/c
    == 33
    >> select x 'b
    == two
    >> pick x 4
    == two

    which would result in exactly the same for a hash! defined as x: hash! [a 1 b 2 33]. So to add a new key value pair:

    >> x: make hash! [ a 1 b 2 c 33]
    == make hash! [a 1 b 2 c 33]
    >> append x [ key value ]
    == make hash! [a 1 b 2 c 33 key value]
    >> x/key
    == value
    >> select x 'key
    == value
    >> pick x 8
    == value

    Note that rebol does not have a sense of key value pairs, the hash! is just a list of ordered values that internally will build hash! values for referencing. You can therefore just as well ask what follows the value 33 above

    >> select x 33
    == key

    To really use it for key value pairs, use the skip refinement

    >> select/skip x 33 2
    == none

    For the associative arrays you can also use object! in case it does not need to have dynamic fields.