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XMLReader not reading cdata

I have a problem. I wrote this code but I can't read <![CDATA[Epsilon Yayınları]]>. Items with cdata, when I get them it's empty. Is there an alternative solution?


    <urun_ad><![CDATA[Kırmızı Erik]]></urun_ad>
    <marka><![CDATA[Epsilon Yayınları]]></marka>
    <Yazar>Tülay Ferah</Yazar>

$xml = new XMLReader;
    $xml->open(DIR_DOWNLOAD . 'xml/'.$xml_info['xml_file_name']);
    $doc = new DOMDocument;

    $product_data = array();


    while ($xml->read() && $xml->name !== 'urun');
    while ($xml->name === 'urun') {  $i++;

        $node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($xml->expand(), true));

        var_dump($node->urun_ad); die();

Dump print:

object(SimpleXMLElement)#143 (1) {
  object(SimpleXMLElement)#145 (0) {


  • It just comes down to how your printing out the value. If you change the var_dump to either of the following, you will get what your after...

    echo $node->urun_ad.PHP_EOL;
    echo $node->urun_ad->asXML().PHP_EOL;


    Kırmızı Erik
    <urun_ad><![CDATA[Kırmızı Erik]]></urun_ad>

    One thing to note is that if you want to use the value in another method, you may have to cast it to a string (echo does this automatically). So the first one would be (for example)...

    $urun_ad = (string)$node->urun_ad;