I have Company and Product model
with has many relation from company to product model.
how to make a Get method to get company name
or ID
returns company information with all related products.
something like fallowing object:
"C_name": "tatli",
"address": "TR-IS- aktepe",
"tel": "123456789",
"id": "5a18772e61b6370e4c713b44",
"P_Code": "123456",
"P_name": "screw",
"QTY": 30,
"id": "5a1878af61b6370e4c713b46",
"compny_id": "5a18772e61b6370e4c713b44"
"P_Code": "123457",
"P_name": "Bead",
"QTY": 33,
"id": "5a1878af61b6370e4c713b47",
"compny_id": "5a18772e61b6370e4c713b44"
Hope you have provided the Relation properly in the model of Company . If not just look at the following link and Create the relation . In this case the relation will be a belongs to .
Product Belongs to a Company
In order to query the related results you have two ways .
company.json model file
"relations": { // make sure the name of product model and foreign key is correct
"product": {
"type": "belongsTo",
"model": "product",
"foreignKey": "productId"
"scope": {
"include": "product"
Company.getPrefs = function(id, cb) { Company.find({ where: { }, include: [{relation: 'Product'}] };