So I'm trying to do some programming with Phillips HUE lights and I've already made a bridging header and imported the necessary info to use the Hue SDK with Swift, but all of the guidance is written for Objective-C. I'm having trouble understanding/declaring this function in Swift:
// Start search for bridges
[self.bridgeSearch startSearchWithCompletionHandler:^(NSDictionary *bridgesFound) {
// Search is complete, handle results (dictionary contains IP and mac addresses of bridges found)
[self showBridgesFound:bridgesFound];
When I go to call this in Swift, I type bridgeSearch.startSearch() and Xcode automatically adds this with a Completion handler
//Search for bridges
let bridgeSearch: PHBridgeSearching = PHBridgeSearching()
bridgeSearch.startSearch { ([AnyHashable : Any]?) in
I know how to get the information (found IP addresses) stored into an NSDictionary in Obj-C, but I'm not sure what to do here in terms of storing the IP addresses into some sort of data structure.
The problem is merely that you have not given the incoming parameter any name. Give it one:
bridgeSearch.startSearch { bridgesFound in
// code involving bridgesFound