I am attempting to read a binary file with a known data type that was generated in C++ with the following structure:
uint64_t shot;
uint32_t status;
double easting, northing, altitude;
uint32_t zoneNumber;
char zoneLetter;
float vNorth, vEast, vDown;
float qw, qx, qy, qz;
float acel_x, acel_y, acel_z, gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;
float rollStdDev, pitchStdDev, yawStdDev;
float northingStdDev, eastingStdDev, altitudeStdDev;
float vNorthStdDev, vEastStdDev, vDownStdDev;
The only strangeness happening here is that the 'zoneletter' is a 1byte character with 3 bytes of padding following. So the character should start on byte 40 and then vNorth should start on byte 44.
This is my attempting at reading this binary file with python using numpy. I am unsure about if I converted the c++ doubles correctly, and I am pretty sure my problems are coming from reading the character.
The problem being that on the first iteration shot and status are reading correctly, but thereafter everything that is reading doesn't make any sense to what the actual data should look like. So I believe there is a problem with either the character or double reading from bytes 12-44.
dt2 = np.dtype([('ShotNum', np.uint64), ('Status', np.uint32), ('easting', np.float_),\
('northing', np.float_),('alt', np.float_), ('Znum', np.uint32),('letter', np.character),\
('vnorth', np.float32),('veast', np.float32),('vdown', np.float32),\
('qw', np.float32),('qx', np.float32),('qy', np.float32),('qz', np.float32),\
('acX', np.float32),('acY',np.float32),('acZ', np.float32),('gyX', np.float32),\
('gyY', np.float32),('gyZ', np.float32),('rollSTD', np.float32),('pitSTD', np.float32),\
('yawSTD', np.float32),('northSTD', np.float32),('eastSTD', np.float32),('altSTD', np.float32),\
('vnorthSTD', np.float32),('veastSTD', np.float32),('vDownSTD', np.float32)])
Here is the c++ explicit struct
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(65): Sizeof NavigationSolution: 136 bytes
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(66): shot
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(67): bytes: 8
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(68): offset: 0
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(69): status
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(70): bytes: 4
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(71): offset: 8
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(72): easting
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(73): bytes: 8
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(74): offset: 16
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(75): northing
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(76): bytes: 8
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(77): offset: 24
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(78): altitude
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(79): bytes: 8
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(80): offset: 32
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(81): zoneNumber
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(82): bytes: 4
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(83): offset: 40
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(84): zoneLetter
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(85): bytes: 1
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(86): offset: 44
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(87): vNorth
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(88): bytes: 4
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(89): offset: 48
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(90): vEast
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(91): bytes: 4
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(92): offset: 52
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(93): vDown
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(94): bytes: 4
[thread: 892] mainwindow.cpp(95): offset: 56
You have to account for the padding that the compiler adds to the struct
. For example, the offset of easting
is 16 bytes, not 12. The compiler added four bytes of padding, presumably to give easting
an eight-byte alignment.
If this work is part of a long-term project, think twice about using this format. It is compiler-dependent. If the C++ code that generates the binary file is compiled with a different compiler (or perhaps even with same compiler but different compiler options), the padding in the binary file could change, and the Python code would not read the file correctly.