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Destructor of class with pointer array C++

If I have a class with an array of pointers to another class Vehicle :

class List {
        //stuff goes here
        Vehicle ** vehicles;

If I now write the destructor of the class List, do I manually iterate over the array (I know how many items are in the array) and delete every pointer to a vehicle, or will C++ automatically call the destructors of all the Vehicles in the array?

(Like it does if there's a private string/... in the class or if it would be a STL container of Vehicle pointers)

EDIT: I forgot about delete [] vehicles, but if I would do that, would it also delete the memory used by all the vehicles in the array, or would it just delete the memory used by the pointers?


  • You have to delete all the entries in the array AND delete the array. There are methods in C++ (STL) to avoid this: use a vector, so you don't have to delete the array. Use scoped_ptr/shared_ptr per Vehicle, so you don't have to delete the vehicles.