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How to find your lost Disqus Thread Identifier?

Confused Disqus thread IDs per post. Had to revert to correct thread IDs. Unable to find the thread identifiers through Disqus Admin Panel.


    1. Go to your Disqus admin panel.
    2. Get your Disqus forum shortcode by the url
    3. Go to Disqus API Applications:
    4. Register a new application (Label, Description, Organization, Web-Site; enter host domain of your disqus forum)
    5. Go to Disqus API Console:
    6. Select listThreads under Forum category from dropdown.
    7. Add parameter: "forum" and "%YOURFORUMNAME%", click submit.
    8. Copy JSON data.
    9. Get it to a readable JSON parser/converter for easier workflow.
    10. Use "id" and "clean_title" column to enter your correct thread ID for wordpress.